This requirement may be a carryover from file-oriented batch processing, where it was simple enough to ensure that information came into the process in a predefined sequence. 这个要求可能是由于面向文件的批处理造成的,在此类处理中,确保信息按照预定义的序列进入进程中非常简单。
Whenever a predefined and specific sequence of attempts is recognized ( called a knock sequence), you can execute actions like opening a port so the outsider can get in. 当识别出预定义的尝试序列(称为敲门序列)时,可以执行打开端口等操作,让外部的用户能够进来。
These activation programs are invoked by the Activation Engine in a predefined sequence. ActivationEngine按预定义的顺序来调用这些激活程序。
Adding an ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause which is only allowed in composition with the hierarchical query clause and will return the siblings in the predefined sequence. 添加一个ORDERSIBLINGSBY子句,该子句只能与分级查询子句组合使用,并且将按预先定义的顺序返回同级查询结果。
There is no predefined sequence of tasks for creating interfaces or business objects; you could have just as easily have created the business objects when creating the interface. 对于创建接口或业务对象,没有预先定义的任务顺序;只需要在创建接口时简单地创建业务对象即可。
A generalized instruction representing a predefined sequence of assembler language instruction. 代表一个预定义的汇编语言指令序列的一种广义上的指令。
In this architecture, all the functions are defined as independent services with well-defined interfaces which can be called in a predefined sequence to form greater services. 在这种体系结构中,所有功能都定义为独立的服务,这些服务带有定义明确的可调用接口,能够以预先定义的顺序调用这些服务来组装更大的服务。